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Number Format
Group Digits

Font Size
Min Font Size

Min x-Padding
Min y-Padding

Tween Values
Duration (s)

Fits as much data on a screen as possible, while allowing in-depth control of data density to ensure legibility. Pagination is used only when absolutely necessary.

Changing the density-related settings Show Quote, Decimals, Group Digits, Min Font Size, Min x-Padding, Min y-Padding does not always lead to a change in the UI density, as it is determined by all the parameters together or, as in the case of Min Font Size, Min x-Padding, Min y-Padding, it is already realized as these are minimum values.

A high Decimals value combined with a high Tween Duration (s) (if Tween Values is enabled), produces visually pleasing value change transitions on data updates.

The material on this website is for information purposes only and does not constitute investment advice.
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